Le Grand Escalier du Nouvel Opéra: A Feminist Approach
Canvas Canvas

Le Grand Escalier du Nouvel Opéra: A Feminist Approach

The Grand Escalier sites the contradictions of Second Empire society that existed in post-Haussmann Paris. Acting as a microcosm of the newly modernised city, the space privileges the flâneur, veils the Parisienne, and erases the existence of those who do not perform social respectability.

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The Piercing Punctum of Radioactive Photographs
Canvas Canvas

The Piercing Punctum of Radioactive Photographs

Lily-Cannelle Mathieu argues that radioactive photographs have the potential to cause affective, embodied responses in beholders by disturbing their bodily integrity, the material frontier of their very being.

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Aldo Rossi: Echoing Life in the Architecture of Death
Canvas Canvas

Aldo Rossi: Echoing Life in the Architecture of Death

Like poetry, Rossi’s architecture is crowded with allusions and rhythm. If one only reads the words and not the meaning, then it becomes a one-dimensional, distant and opaque conception. Once consciousness and wisdom penetrate the layers of his creation, the beauty within it will bloom.

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